Monday, April 4, 2022

Creative Critical Reflection

That's a wrap folks! 🥳

Enjoy my long awaited CCR that i'm quite proud of!


See you next school year beloved blog!

Sunday, April 3, 2022


Without further ado.. 

Here she is!

"Unfoldable", my baby

And if the embedded video does not function properly...


Saturday, April 2, 2022

Let's Reflect.

    So, we have reached the end of this project. I wanted to take one of my final blog posts to reflect on some of my key moments from this project.

    Finally landing on the idea for Unfoldable was a long process. I ended up sticking with it as it covers the topic of something I hold am very familiar with, the emotional pain of social media comparison.

    Something that remained super important of me throughout this entire project was incorporating aspects that were meaningful to ME. I was trying to portray an authentic teenage girl, and  I am exactly that. That's where things like my journal comes in, a coping mechanism I avidly use when i'm caught up in my own head. My voiceover is also very meaningful to me... Painting a metaphor to cover the topic of comparison without actually saying the literal situation is something I have written about before.  Poetry and creative writing is dear to me, and this was a beautiful outlet to share it. 

The journal spread I made for my opening :)

On the topic of CHANGES to my project

    There were many of them. I have never worked on this long term of a project before, and I didn't realize how having more time actually makes you second guess yourself MORE than a short-term deadline. I changed such things like my original idea for an opening, my lighting, shot compositions, the length of my still clips, and even my voiceover script last minute. These types of changes typically wouldn't make me sweat or question myself at all, but I've blogged my every thought on this project. That makes me accountable for mistakes.

    For example, when my violet lighting hue didn't go as planned, it didn't change the meaning of the shots I filmed in the slightest. The intended vibe still came off correctly. But, I had written about this plan of purple hue. So, I had to also write about how this unintended other lighting option was OK too. This process definitely made me a LOT more aware of my creative choices and every single little aspect that goes into film. 


    The most challenging part of my entire project by FAR was my voiceover. I had SO many doubts about if anyone would even understand the metaphor I was creating. Folding paper and being insecure... How could they go hand in hand? Even after my voiceover was done and layered on my project, I was worried the visuals and the audio were too contrasting to take in both at the same time. 

    After many second opinions and a deep breath, I became proud of my work. I tied a very personal aspect into this project while still staying true to the requirements, simply creating an opening, and I'm glad I did. 


    This project taught me so much about production, commitment, planning, and my own work ethic. I'm very happy to say that i'm done and i'm even happier to have pride in my finished product. There was a part of me in this journey that's motive was satisfying the rubric for my AICE score, but there was a larger part of me that just hoped people will gain perspective from my opening. Obviously, I hope both occur.

    As a happy conclusion to always mentioning myself feeling very attached to this concept, I do truly feel unfoldable in the best way possible. Learning to escape social media expectations has been one of the most freeing things i've experienced. Cheers to meaningful school projects! I never get this opportunity. Thank you for following along. 

♥  ♥  ♥ 


Friday, April 1, 2022

Voiceover Shenanigans

    Let me start by saying that I tweaked my script a little bit. Nothing major at all! I edited the end of my script so it will allude more into the rest of my film and give the viewer insight of something bigger about to happen. Almost like a hook! Take a look at the difference-

Original script ending

The more compelling ending

    Ending with a mystery... Now even I want to find out what happens next! I love this change. Adapt and overcome, baby!


    Recording my voiceover was simple enough. A few takes and then I finally got one I was satisfied with. I edited the length a bit, cutting out certain breaks in speech to making it flow smoother. I also lowered the volume of my music so you could hear the voiceover perfectly.
    And with the addition of the voiceover, my film opening is FINISHED. 


It's CCR time...

Project Components

I can't believe we're here. Im so happy. May I very proudly present to you,  "TAKEOUT" (Click here or watch below!) @Takeo...